Clairvoyance & Tarot Readings

By Jennifer


Tarot Readings

Health &

Jennifer photo

Hello, my name is Jennifer.

Welcome to my website!

I hope you find it informative.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.

For as long as I can remember, I have been truly captivated by spirit energy and messages from passed loved ones. My Mother frequently had spirit readings following her mothers passing in her mid-twenties. I was just a small child often listening to the enchanting messages on cassette or cd with various psychic mediums guiding her through many difficult times.

I have spent much of my life observing readings, seeing spirit, feeling spirit presence and began learning the Tarot at the age of 24. I’m predominantly clairaudient, clairsentient and work with spirit energy and Tarot. I do however get other methods of spirit energy direction, such as psychometry, clairvoyance and imagery.

I’m fortunate in that I have many friends who are gifted within the healing field, psychics mostly but also energy workers and an astrologer. We often exchange many stories, experiences and knowledge. I feel very privileged this has been over the majority of my lifetime.

To add, my Grandmother had many premonitions prior to family members passing, alongside other psychic abilities. This I believe is an inherent gift from my mother’s side of the family…but it has also come with much hard work and dedication on my part too!

I feel very honoured and blessed to be able to converse with passed loved ones and to be able to give messages to people who share my love and fascination with this form of connectivity.

Jennifer xx
