
How I got started…

Tarot specifically has been a part of my life since the age of 24, practicing on friends, family and acquaintances old and new.

I soon realised that I had a unique understanding and feeling for the deck of cards. The symbols, metaphorical messages combined with clairsentience ability propelled me towards reading accurately, very quickly.
However, I was still very much a textbook student for a long while.
I was practicing full spreads, with a pendulum as an additional tool, by the age of 26.

Continuing to be fascinated with readings, particularly seeing people’s faces and their undoubted surprise, connecting with what I would describe as their subconscious I had the ability to identify areas of positivity and or struggle.
Getting into this type of deep connection was quite unusual at first, even for me the reader.

Whilst continuing to practice, I had my first child at the age of 25 with baby number two arriving around 3 and a half years later.

Over a decade later, with much practice under my belt, I’m thrilled to finally now have a live client base. I have worked so hard to get here! It’s not just that it is my passion, but it’s a profession that I’m very good at and super proud of. It was also predicted for me by a psychic medium many moons ago!


Jennifer xx